• City Gallery of Contemporary Art


We invite you to the opening of the exhibition Postbauhaus: Memories of the Future 25/9


On Wednesday 25/9 at 6 pm we will open the Czech-Polish exhibition for the bridging period after the end of PLATO Bauhaus. The opening will include a concert by the music project MedardZmil. You are kindly invited. Admission is free.

Opening: Postbauhaus: Memories of the Future

Artists: Oskar Helcel, Maja Janczar, Adam Kozicki, Jasmína Lustigová and Sofie Gjuričová, Martin Pfann, Paweł Sobczak

In cooperation with: Adriana – A Place Where You Are Not Left Alone, Fridays for Future Moravia-Silesia, We Are the Limits, Ostrava Pride, Re-set, Secondary Art School Ostrava, Third Hand, TV Spine with children from Jirská settlement, Ostrava-Přívoz

Curator: Jakub Adamec

Architect: Medard Zeman

Graphic design: Jakub Polách

Postbauhaus is an exhibition of young artists from the Czech Republic and Poland that marks the bridging period after the end of almost six years of activity in the former Bauhaus hobby market. At the end of June 2024, we – along with many communities, organisations, and platforms – ended our activities there. We are trying to bring some of its atmosphere, openness to experimenting, and safe space for communities to our new location.

Stage at PLATO Bauhausu (author: Than Hussein Clark) (c) Mark Blower