• City Gallery of Contemporary Art




Live: bod (包家巷) (US), Strachkvas, DJ set: Gin&Platonic, Lasák/Měchura

  1. PLATO, Porážková 26

Admission fee: 100–150–200 CZK


Contemporary experimental and club electronic music in collaboration with the Gin&Platonic music platform.

Gin&Platonic is a music platform which through articles and podcasts regularly covers the contemporary experimental and underground scene, in PLATO they will introduce their new release. The live performance of the bod (包家巷) (US) will be supplemented with the G&P's eclectic DJ sets and with the Ostrava club solitary known as Strachkvas. The evening will open with haunting digital collages of the Lasák/Měchura collaborative project derived from the Prague collectives Genot Centre and Wrong.