• City Gallery of Contemporary Art




Zuzanna Radzik: The Church with an Equality of Men and Women: the Past, the Present and the Future

  1. PLATO, Porážková 26

The discussion is related to the exhibition Milena's Song (until 13/6).

Recommended admission fee 30 CZK


An evening with the Catholic theologist and feminist Zuzanna Radzik (PL).

Christianity started with a shocking claim that there is no Jew or Gentile, man or women and we are all equal in Christ. Unfortunately it failed it’s own promise, inculturated for centuries into divided gender roles and still happens to be one of the factors that defends them. How we can build Church of equal men&women today and for the future?

Zuzanna Radzik is a Catholic theologian and author. She published two books about Catholic feminism: „Kościół kobiet“ [Church of women] and „Emancypantki” [Trailblazers], and she contributes regularly to Tygodnik Powszechny, a Catholic weekly from Krakow. She works in Polish-Jewish and Christian-Jewish relations as a Board Member of the Forum for Dialogue, Polish non-profit.

In collaboration with Artyčok.tv.