• City Gallery of Contemporary Art



Press Release:

Performative evening at PLATO on the Ostrava theme and the last chance to see three closing exhibition


Ostrava to the End of the Line: Last Stop. A station for performance, author readings, and music. Under this title, the final performative evening accompanying the exhibition of Ostrava-based artists will take place at PLATO on Wednesday, January 22, starting at 6 pm. The program features poetry readings by Ivan Motýl and Filip Klega and two performances by the duo Pornoret and Jan Čenský. It is also a last-minute opportunity to visit the trio of exhibitions that are coming to an end. Only until Sunday, January 26, you can see Charisma by Barbora Lungová, Ostrava to the End of the Line, and Primeval Forest, Garden and Wall.

Press release (in Czech)

Photo (c) Dominika Goralska, PLATO

First performative evening (c) Dominika Goralska, PLATO