• City Gallery of Contemporary Art



Elementary Schools, In the gallery:

Zine to health: the author's magazine as mental hygiene

  1. PLATO, Porážková 26

For children aged 11–15

From 20/2/2025

20 CZK / person
Out-of-Ostrava educational activities: 30 CZK / person

60–90 mins



+420 727 952 712
+420 737 855 798


In the programme we will explore how we are influenced by commercial print media and how to create our own distinctive content. The program develops media literacy, critical thinking, self-knowledge and contributes to mental well-being.

In the program, children will learn about the principles of creating zines—independent author magazines—and how to express their opinions, personality, and interests through simple graphic techniques, and how this can help them achieve psychological balance. Creating their own zine will allow students to strengthen their ability to express themselves and gain insight into the basics of working with media. The programme can be adapted thematically to meet the current learning needs of the group by agreement with the teacher—zines can be created on a specific assigned topic, etc.

Follow-up to the Framework Curriculum:

Language and linguistic communication, Man and his world, Art and culture, Information and communication technologies

Key competences: Learning competence, Problem-solving competence, Social and personal competence, Communicative competence, Civic competence

Cross-cutting themes: Media education, Personal and social education, Education for thinking in European and global contexts, Environmental education


Elementary Schools

In the gallery

At school